Sunday, 13 March 2011

Issue 1 of Captain's Youth Log

So i thought it would be useful to post the 1st issue of my newsletter, just so you all know what has happened up till now. This was published just before Christmas, and issue 2 will be coming out soon. Enjoy...

Stardate November 2010

Dear friend,

I am writing to you to tell you of a new calling on my life and how you can be involved in what
God is doing with me.

For the last 9 years I have lived in the theatre world, through training, amateur theatre, and
the last 4 years in professional theatre. This has been going well, but God has other plans.
From September I have been working for St Barnabas Church in Finchley as a trainee youth
pastor, studying youth work and theology as well as having very good hands on experience
in youth ministry. This is a blessing to be doing this at such a gospel filled church, where
even in the first few months of attending, I felt a part of the community. A real passion has
been welling up inside of me to bring the gospel to young people and I believe this position
has been an answer to prayer in giving me the training and mission I have been looking for.
In the 5 weeks I have been working with the young people, God has really been moving
amongst them, and I believe that not only are the youth tomorrows church, they are also
today’s church. They play a big part in building the church, and God can speak to a young
person just as clearly as He can speak to an adult. I didn’t know the Lord when I was
younger, and if I had given Jesus that same attention back then as I am now, life would have
been a lot simpler. It is important that God is a part of young peoples lives, it can transform
communities and families. I believe there is a lot we can learn from young people as well as
helping them grow in their faith. The role I hope to have in these young peoples lives is to be
a role model, and to offer friendship and a spiritual guide.

You can find out a lot more about the church I will be working for and what work the church
does at the church’s webiste,

Prayer and Support
You can be a part of this too. During my time on this course, I would be grateful of all prayers. I have come up with some prayer points also, which I will be praying into.

-for protection during the more dangerous areas of the community
-for courage and support when things get tough
-for God to provide in all ways
-for personal spiritual growth
-for God-like wisdom in my studies
-for the youth of the world, that they will know and love Jesus how we do
-for my current friendships to stay alive and time to give to them

During the next 2 years, I will be living in faith of Gods provisions. He has already provided for me in such a magnificent way. If you would like to help further, please contact me, and I would love to talk to you further. But more than anything, I will value your prayers.

Until next time...

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